Two Phases of CBD Product Testing and Sampling By The FDA

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    The FDA will be undergoing further testing of CBD. This process will occur in the form of sampling and testing activities of marketed CBD products. This method is another way that the FDA gathers more facts and information about the safety factor of these products. This testing methodology is a vital part of the FDA\’s work overall, since little is known about the amounts of CBD and cannabis products. This process also allows for investigating the levels of pesticides, toxic substances, and other possible contaminants, as well as for other adulterating substances. These may sometimes be present in CBD products and cannabinoids which are marketed to consumers and potential consumers.

    There are various ways in which the FDA tests CBD product samples. First, the FDA sometimes will test CBD products for compliance and as part of its enforcement activities. This testing procedure is performed because certain marketing firms\’ promoted unapproved new CBD compounds which did not contain the stated levels of CBD. The results of these test findings were made available to the public.

    A second testing methodology by the FDA was in the form of surveys which targeted marketplace sampling and testing in two phases. The first phase was conducted using a small sample and analysis study, consisting of about 200 samples, by the FDA. The data which has so far been collected represent a limited sample size, and fewer than half contained within a range of 20% of their stated amount of CBD. Some products contained THC. The FDA has published these findings. They are also currently working with a third party, in order to conduct the second phase of the sampling test. This part will be performed on a much larger sample set, from 1,000-3,000 products, which will include a collection of various types of products containing CBD.

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